Learning @ MPS
Pedagogical Approaches
Mirripoa pedagogical approaches have been chosen as they are evidence-based, high impact teaching strategies. While these approaches will not look exactly the same in every lesson, evidence suggests they work well in most, and our teachers are encouraged and supported to apply these strategies across all learning areas.
Selecting from approaches that range from thinking strategies to effective technology integration, our teachers design learning experiences that cater to the wide variety of learning needs that our students present each day. The use of consistent approaches and strategies ensures our students can seamlessly move from lesson to lesson, teacher to teacher, and year to year, with confidence.
Visible Learning
Much of the Mirripoa way is underpinned by the well-known Visible Learning research of John Hattie. His most recent research synthesises 1400 meta-analyses relating to the influences on achievement in school-aged children. It presents the largest ever collection of evidence-based research into what actually works (and doesn’t work) to increase student achievement. He uses effect sizes to compare the impact of many influences on student achievement, where an effect size of 0.4 represents one year’s growth over the course of one school year. An effect size of greater that 0.4 indicates the potential for accelerated achievement. The staff at MPS understand the factors that have the highest impact on student achievement. They use this information to contribute to strategic decision-making around the future directions of the school, when collaboratively developing and refining whole-school plans, and when planning lessons.
At Mirripoa Primary School we use the Victorian Curriculum to deliver an engaging, sequential learning program that is inclusive of all learners. Teachers use evidence from student learning and assessment as well as high impact teaching strategies to inform our teaching. Our priority is to set personalised, high expectations for each student.
At Mirripoa Primary School we provide literacy learning experiences that are purposeful and build on the strengths and needs of each learner. We use the Workshop Model for both our Reader’s and Writer’s Workshops. This structure engages students in learning that is differentiated and allows for students to apply new skills in a supported way. The Workshop Model ensures students receive explicit whole class and small group teaching as well as time for students to work independently, with their teacher and with their peers to set, achieve and reflect on learning goals.
Students utilise Reader’s and Writer’s Notebooks as tools to capture their thinking and understanding about texts, allowing them to respond and create texts, building their knowledge and skills as well as their identity as a reader and writer.
We value strong family partnerships with our literacy learning with all students participating in home reading as well as opportunities for students engage with literacy learning tasks that connect school and home experiences. Parents/carers are also welcome to participate in our Classroom Helper Program in our designated Literacy block each morning.
At Mirripoa Primary School we create a rich learning environment that encourages a positive mindset. We use a range of teaching strategies that connect content, skills and concepts to enhance understanding and engagement and build students’ confidence as mathematics learners and thinkers.
Students engage in numeracy tasks that allow them to use and connect what they are learning to contexts outside the mathematics classroom, tasks that support students to develop their knowledge and skills and apply these through problem solving processes.
We utilise the Victorian Curriculum content and proficiencies, the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority teaching and learning frameworks as well as the Big Ideas in Number, enabling our students to develop deep conceptual understandings.
Our inquiry learning engages our students in purposeful and authentic experiences that build meaning and deep understanding for them to reach their potential and be active lifelong learners. Students construct meaning from experiences and reflect to create deeper understandings of the world around them. Teachers facilitate learning by providing a student centred experience that provides opportunities for collaboration between students and members of the local and global community.
Our inquiry curriculum includes the following learning areas:
The Humanities
- Civics and Citizenship (Level 3 up)
- Economics and Business (Level 5 up)
- Geography
- History
- Design and Technologies
- Digital TechnologiesPersonal, Social and Community Health
Our inquiry curriculum includes the capabilities:
- Critical and Creative Thinking
- Ethical
- Intercultural
- Personal and Social
Our inquiry curriculum includes the cross curriculum priorities:
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures
- Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia
- Sustainability
‘Learning about the cross-curriculum priorities is embedded in the curriculum areas of the Victorian Curriculum. These priorities provide national, regional and global dimensions and give students the knowledge and skills to engage with and better understand their world’
(Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority, 2017).